System 32 Walkthrough

System 32 holes are a popular standard in cabinetry. This System refers to 5 mm diameter holes that placed at 32 mm intervals. System 32 holes are most commonly used for shelf pin holes.

Plate can be used to cut most System 32 features, but for simplicity in this example we'll stick with shelf pin holes. These can be cut using either the Fence or Reticle for alignment, and the System 32 Pin for tiling across your workpiece.


Create Your Workspace

If you've already created a Plate template workspace, preparing your Workspace for a hardware installation is easy: just duplicate that template Workspace and name it something identifying. We'll name this new Workspace "Plate - System 32."

To finish setting up the workspace, navigate to Design Mode. Import the System 32 file from ShaperHub.




Use the 1/8" Upcut Spiral Bit provided with Origin to cut these holes.

Align the center of Plate's Window with the middle circle in the file. The Y-placement of the holes depends on which shelf pin holes will be cut.

The frontmost column of shelf pin holes is typically 37mm from the front edge of the workpiece, so we'll start there. Place the circles at Y=-13mm. Because the Reticle extends 50 mm into the Window when deployed, this will place the pin holes 37 mm from the front edge of the workpiece.

Mark the Workpiece and Align Plate

Mark the workpiece at the center of the first column of shelf pin holes. Align the mark with Plate's Fence and then retract the Fence. 

Plate's grippy rubber base will hold it in place in most situations, but Plate can also be affixed in place using the included clamps.

Cut with Origin

Cut the series of five shelf pin holes. For more efficient cutting, use Helix Mode!


Tiling with Plate can extend your row of holes. To continue the row of shelf pin holes:

  • Pick up Plate and align a System 32 alignment slot with the last shelf pin hole in the row.
  • Use the Fence or Reticle in combination with the System 32 pin to align Plate.
  • Retract the Fence or Reticle, remove the Pin, and cut the holes.
  • Move Plate into the next position to cut the next set of holes.

The System 32 alignment slot works with standard System 32 dimensions from the front fence, as well as at the center of Plate's window to align with the reticle.

Advanced Technique

It's possible to cut up to two additional shelf pin holes per setup by extending the hole pattern into the shelf pin hole alignment slots on either side of Plate's window.

Be careful with clearance on shelf pin holes larger than the standard 5mm diameter.

With this setup, you can cut seven shelf pin holes before moving Plate, and six on each subsequent tiling.