This guide refers to Vectorworks version 2020 and 2021
To make designing for Origin in Vectorworks easier, we recommend installing the "Export to SVG" plug-in. This has a small one-time cost, but greatly simplifies the transfer of files to Origin.
Note that this plugin is not a Shaper product and thus isn't directly supported by Shaper Support. If troubleshooting is needed contact the publisher of the plugin.
The installation works as follows:
You can purchase and download the plug-in at: You will receive the following files:
Unpack the file with your version, in it you will find templates and scripts for Windows and Mac.
Select the "Export to SVG" file that matches your operating system and drag it to the Vectorworks program folder under "PlugIns".
When you open Vectorworks, you will probably not find this function in the export menu. To change this, select "Tools" > "Working environment" > "Customise working environment".
Under "Import/Export" on the left side you will find the command "Export to SVG" drag it with the mouse into the right field under the menu "File" > "Export":
Confirm with "OK" and restart Vectorworks.
Now you can choose the new option "Export to SVG" in the export menu. These SVG's may not work perfectly with Origin--to improve your experience we recommend running all Vectorworks SVGs through Shaper Studio to ensure they're place properly and edit the paths for cut type, depth, bit size, etc.