The quality of your drawing will influence the quality of the vector graphic which Trace generates.
For best results, use a black pen to draw on plain white paper. Ensure that any pencil markings which you may have added during the creation of your drawing have been erased if you do not want them to be converted to vectors.
We recommend using the Artist Pen which is provided with Trace, but any dark pen on light paper will work. Pens with thin tips like the Artist Pen provided are best if you want Trace to convert your drawing to a single centerline. If you want Trace to convert your drawing to outlines, pens with thicker tips like marker pens are usually best.
Learn more about Trace’s line type options here.
To capture your drawing, place the Frame over the paper so your drawing is enclosed within the Frame. Remember: everything within the Frame will be converted to vectors, so ensure that there are unintended marks or dirt on the paper.