Be sure to log in to your Shaper Account before attempting to transfer files to Origin.
When you've found a Project you'd like to build, you can upload it to your Origin via ShaperHub. On the Project Page, Select "Sync to Shaper Origin:"
This will add all the SVG files in a project to your My Files view in your Shaper Account.
They will also appear in a folder when you select ShaperHub in the Import Menu on Origin with the same name as the project:
On your Origin, go to Import > ShaperHub > My Origin Files and select the folder to find all the cut files in the project.
Keep in mind that if there are non-SVG files in the project, these will not sync to Origin. But you can always find them in your My Files on your computer or handheld device. This is useful when there are PDF instructions or other supplementary documents.