Modifying the Roughing Passes

The Roughing Passes setting allows you to add a small offset to all passes which precede your final pass. A final Finishing Pass will be added to the end of the AutoPass routine. This pass will remove the small offset leaving you with a high quality finish.

The roughing offset defaults to 1/10th of your inputted bit diameter.EN-15.png

1. Setting Toggle: Turns ON/OFF the Roughing Passes setting

2. Setting Parameter: When Roughing Passes is ON, the parameter determines the size of the rough offset.

The below illustration shows a cross section view of an AutoPass cut which includes Roughing Passes. Notice how the bit cuts to the total depth in 3 passes with an offset to the cut path. The bit moves laterally to remove the rough offset on the final ‘finishing’ pass.


The below illustration shows a cross section view of an AutoPass cut which does not include Roughing Passes. The bit cuts to the total depth in 3 passes which are all flush with the cut path.


As you modify the roughing offset, the cut path preview will update to show you both the roughing passes and finishing passes combined. The marching ants demonstrate where the center of the bit will be during the first pass.

Example of a cut path preview that includes a small roughing offset


Example of a cut path preview that includes a large roughing offset

The maximum allowable roughing offset is ¼ of the inputted bit diameter.