Modifying the Pass Depth


1. Setting Toggle: Turns ON/OFF the Pass Depth setting

2. Setting Parameter: When Pass Depth is ON, the parameter determines the maximum depth of each pass.

The Pass Depth parameter determines how your cut depth will be divided into passes. A small value will result in more passes; a higher value will result in fewer passes.

Pass Depth will default to equal your bit diameter. If you install a ¼” or 6mm bit, the Pass Depth will default to the same depth. 

You can take greater control of your setup by manually specifying a pass depth. To do this, tap on the value, use the Calculator to enter a new value, and tap DONE.

EN-11.png EN-12.png

If you don’t want Origin to divide your total depth into passes, you can turn off the Pass Depth setting using the toggle. Origin will cut to the total depth in a single pass or in two passes if the Roughing Passes setting is ON.

EN-13.png EN-14.png

The illustrations below show how different pass depths will affect the number of passes which are needed to cut to your total cut depth.    

Less_passes.jpg More_passes.jpg

A higher pass depth (e.g. 0.25") will result in fewer passes 

A lower pass depth (e.g. 0.15") will result in more passes

If the pass depth setting is off, Origin will cut to the total cut depth in a single pass.

Learn more about which pass depth is best for your project in our AutoPass Material Recommendations Guide.