1. Cut Depth: When you see the blue check mark, AutoPass will automatically update the cut depth to any encoded depths which you have assigned to paths in your Workspace.
2. ON/OFF Button: Turns AutoPass ON/OFF. Blue = ON; Black = OFF
3. Passes Button: Only displayed when AutoPass is ON. The passes button shows the number of passes which will be completed in order to reach your total cut depth. Click the passes button to open the Control Center.
4. Control Center: The Control Center is an area dedicated to managing information and settings related to your AutoPass setup.
5. Pass Summary: The left side of the Control Center is known as the Pass Summary. It contains a list of the passes which will be completed in order to reach your total cut depth. Each pass is shown with its depth and offset.
6. Settings: The right side of the Control Center displays the parameters which determine your AutoPass cut strategy. Changing the settings will alter the pass summary on the left.
Within the Control Center, the following functions are available:
7. Settings Button: Opens the settings side of the Control Center
8. Setting Toggle: Turns the relevant setting on/off
9. Setting Parameter: The value which is determining the AutoPass cut strategy. Changing the value for either setting will alter the pass summary.
10. Info Button: Opens the AutoPass Quick Guide should you need to refresh your memory on any of the features
11. Plus/Minus Buttons: Use the +/- buttons to quickly add or subtract passes from your pass summary.