Managing Shaper Studio Files Using Your Shaper Account

Shaper Studio allows users to store, manage, and share files in the cloud via your Shaper Account.

The My Files view in your Account helps you keep track of all your files, and it can also be used in conjunction with Studio to iterate on a project, save your SVGs, or transport them from one device to another via cloud storage.

You can access your files at any time using the drop-down menu in the upper right corner on any page of the Shaper website or directly from the Main Menu in Studio:

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Many of the file management tools can be accessed inside Studio. Here are some ways that Studio interacts with your Shaper Account:


You can organize and store your files in folders for easier access. The folders have to be created in your My Files view but you can move a file into any folder already present when creating a file in Studio.


You can open Studio designs that are stored in your Shaper Account to edit them further. Note that you can't edit files that you didn't create, only ones that you have started from scratch or uploaded as SVGs into Studio.

My Files

In the My Files view you can access and manage your files. To navigate to this view from Studio, open the menu and select "My Files" in the second pane. 

From this view, you can browse or create your folders and files as well as delete, rename, and download your files. Conveniently, you can also open files you've created in Studio. Click Screenshot 2024-05-20 at 3.18.32 PM.png to create a new project, upload files, or make a folder.

Folders can be renamed, deleted, or immediately converted into ShaperHub Projects for sharing with other users.

Studio Files and ShaperHub

You can Share your Studio designs directly to ShaperHub, which will organize them into the Studio Designs category. Other users can then search, sync, and use those designs. They can also copy them to edit them further.

Currently you can't create an entire ShaperHub project out of Studio files. You can download your Studio files and upload them again while creating a project for ShaperHub. This will integrate the design as an SVG.