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What is ultrasonic technology and why should I use it on my dirty bits?
Ultrasonic technology uses high-frequency sound waves to clean surfaces submerged in a liquid. The Shaper Bitwasher utilizes ultrasonic technology and a specially-formulated fluid to clean your router bits from accumulated build up of debris and resins. Clean bits result in better cutting performance.
How long should I leave my bits in the BitWasher?
We recommend leaving bits immersed in the cleaning fluid only long enough for them to be cleaned. This generally takes ~5 minutes, but could be longer for very dirty bits. Once cleaning is complete, remove bits, brush if necessary and dry them with a rag, rather than allowing them to stay wet for an extended time. Long-duration exposure to fluids can sometimes discolor bits.
Can I use other cleaning solutions?
Shaper Bit Cleaning fluid, developed by experts at Ballistol, is specifically designed and tested for use with the BitWasher to clean grime off of router bits. Other ultrasonic cleaning fluids will likely work, though we can’t promise the results will be the same.
Can I use my BitWasher to clean other small tools or bits?
Yes. We developed BitWasher and Shaper Bit Cleaning Fluid specifically with router bits in mind. But the ultrasonic system also works great for cleaning other drill bits and shop tooling that need to be brought back to life. A few people may have cleaned their bicycle chains. As with anything, test first to see if you like the results.
Is Bitwasher and Bit Cleaning Fluid compatible with coated bits?
We always recommended testing first to see if you like the results. It’s likely fine, but it’s not possible for us to test or verify every coating or material. We developed and tested the system using primarily uncoated, solid carbide cutters, this is where we have the most experience.
How much fluid does it take to reach the MIN and MAX markings on the basin?
MIN marking indicates 237 mL; MAX marking indicates 560ml.
How often should I change the cleaning fluid?
It’s up to you, it really depends on how dirty your bits are. We generally change the fluid out when it starts resembling dirty cooking oil. It doesn’t hurt to experiment to see what works best for you.